The Seven Worst Christian Grey Moments in Fifty Shades Darker

“Next time one of your friends claims Christian Grey is her dream man, you should really pass that info along to her exes.” – Sweeney

After writing 22 separate posts about how terrible this book is, it has reached a point where we’re not even sure how to simplify how much it sucks. Just in case you were looking for the tl;dr version (not to be confused with our usual snark which is more TOO TERRIBLE; PLEASE DON’T READ), we’ve put together a list of the stand-out awful moments, courtesy of one Christian Grey. Consider this your, “Fifty Shades Darker is Awful Talking Points Cheat Sheet.”

There were so many more horrifying moments; you can review our chapter write-ups for more. Are we missing any traumatic highlights? Let us know in the Traumaland Therapy Center below. (The comments, obviously.)

In spite of all that, we’ll be back next week with the first chapter of Fifty Shades Freed. There will be alcohol involved.



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