Segue Magic: Internet Origin Stories (Lorraine)

Every technical difficulty ever went into the making of this video. Eventually, I will stop feeling the need to apologize before every vlog (this one is choppy in places, due to those difficulties) but I think these are the growing pains as we settle down into the whole vlogging thing. That’s what I like to tell myself so I don’t throw my laptop across the room in a Hulk rage.


As I mention in the vlog, Sweeney and I are flip flopping days next week, as she’s been traveling these last few days. That also explains why our thumbnails on the main page are all wonky. She will fix those when she gets back. (COME BACK SOON, SWEEN.)

Feel free to share your own origin stories in the comments, but I mean, if you got really brave you could always video respond…

See you next time, friends!

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