Supernatural S02 E04 – The pinnacle of the friendzone

Previously: The boys met a deranged hunter named Gordon and Amber Benson played a vampire.

Children Shouldn’t Play With Dead Things

Kirsti: A slightly nerdy guy (Neil) sits with a pretty girl (Angela) and says he’s got all the supplies there to heal her broken heart, like booze and chocolate. She thanks him sadly. Someone bangs on the door, and Neil goes to answer it. It’s Angela’s boyfriend. He demands to see her, but when he talks his way past Neil, she’s gone. Cut to Angela driving down a rainy highway, crying. Her phone rings and she answers. Her boyfriend apologises and tells her to listen to him. She gets shouty in response, misses a turn and crashes into a barrier. We get a close up of her staring, blood-covered face and hear her boyfriend’s voice over the phone.


After the Not!Credits, the boys are driving as per usual. Dean grumbles about going to their mum’s grave on account of there was nothing left to bury after the fire so it’s just a headstone. Sam says it’s about honouring her memory, especially after Papa Winchester’s death. Dean suggests a trip to Ellen’s instead, and Sam says he’s happy to drop him off on the way. Dean reluctantly agrees to go.

At the cemetery, Sam digs a little hole in front of Mary’s headstone. He drops Papa Winchester’s dogtags in and covers them. Dean’s standing some distance away. He spots a dead tree and walks over to it, frowning. He stops when he spots a perfect circle of dead grass around a fresh grave.

He talks to a staff member, then tells Sam that it’s Angela Mason’s grave and that her funeral was three days ago. Uh, the ground is hella flat given that she was just buried, but whatever. Sam’s all “So??”, and Dean says the staff member said there haven’t been any pesticides or anything on the ground. He suspects it’s unholy ground. Sam’s speechless. He thinks Dean’s seeing cases everywhere. Dean wants to check it out to make sure.

Cut to a university in town, where Angela’s father teaches. The boys introduce themselves as friends of Angela’s and offer condolences. He shows Sam a photo album while Dean flips through an old book in the corner. He asks about the book, which is in Greek, and Dr. Mason says he uses it for a course he teaches. Dean starts talking about how when a loved one dies, you can almost hear them talking to you, and Sam’s all “WTF.” Dr. Mason says that he still rings Angela’s phone just to hear her voice.

Motel of the Week. Dean still thinks something’s going on while Sam says they have no evidence of that and that they shouldn’t even be there, bothering grieving people. He thinks this is all to do with their mother’s grave and the fact that Dean wouldn’t go near it. He thinks Dean’s hiding his feelings by creating cases. Dean storms out.

Cut to Angela’s boyfriend’s house. He’s watching home movies of him and Angela. We see a plant on a side table wither and die instantly, then Boyfriend spots a reflection in the TV screen. He turns and screams. Blood splashes across the screen. Fade to black.

After the Not Commercial Break, Dean breaks into Angela’s apartment. He studies a framed photo, then sees a reflection in the glass. He turns to see Angela’s roommate, Lindsey, who screams and barricades herself in her room to call 911. Dean yells that he’s Angela’s cousin and that Dr. Mason sent him over to box up her stuff. She’s all “Oh. Cool,” because apparently she has a death wish. Cut to the living room. Lindsey cries as Dean hands her tissues and asks what Angela was like. She sobs that Angela was great, but she’s upset about Matt too. Dean’s all “Who the eff is Hank Matt?”, and Lindsey says that he was Angela’s boyfriend and he slit his own throat the night before. She goes on to say that Matt was seeing Angela everywhere before he died. Dean looks thoughtful.

Motel of the Week. Dean gloats a little about being right, and Sam says they should check out Matt’s apartment. Dean says he’s been there and it’s full of dead plants and dead goldfish. Clearly unholy ground is involved. Dean says they have some inside information and holds up Angela’s diary. Sadly, it’s not a Horcrux. It’s just a way to learn who her friends were so that they can talk to them.

Cut to Neil’s. The boys pretend to be grief counsellors, sent by the college. Neil says he’s fine, and that he has no grief whatsoever over Matt’s death because Angela’s death was Matt’s fault. Apparently he left her for someone else on the night she died. Dean looks at Sam in a “TOLD YOU SO” way. Outside, they discuss the fact that an angry spirit makes much more sense now. Sam wonders if it’s over now that Matt’s dead, but Dean says they have to burn the bones to be sure. Sam stares in horror because Angela died a week ago, so it’s not so much bones as putrefying corpse. YUM.

At the cemetery that night, they dig up her grave. Sam braces himself and opens the coffin, but it’s empty. Dun dun DUUUUUUUUN. Cut to Neil’s. He goes down into the basement where a creepily pale Zombie!Angela is waiting for him. She tells him that she missed him and they kiss. DUDE. NO. NO NO NO NO NO. GROSS. Fade to black.

After the Not Commercial Break, we’re back at the cemetery. The boys are confused until they spot symbols carved into the lid of the coffin. Dean says he’s seen them before. Cut to him banging on Dr. Mason’s office door. He shows Dr. Mason the symbols and demands to know what they are. He says they’re part of an ancient Greek ritual used for necromancy. Dean says they did their homework and they know the Greeks had rituals for all kinds of crazy shit, including raising the dead. Dr. Mason looks confused and Sam is clearly doubtful about being there.

What’s dead should stay dead!” Dean shouts. Sam tells him to stop, but he doesn’t. Dr. Mason picks up the phone to call the police. Sam points out that all the plants are alive so Angela’s clearly not there. He hustles Dean out of the house, apologising as he goes.

Outside, Sam’s all “Dude, the  fuck?” He says that Dr. Mason is innocent, but Dean shouts that he might have Angela stashed somewhere. Sam says Dean’s scaring him: “Stop. Please, Dean, it’s killing you. Please. We’ve already lost Dad. We’ve lost Mom. I’ve lost Jessica. And now I’m going to lose you too?” Dean calms down a little, but says they’ve still got a zombie to find. Cut to Neil’s. He tells Zombie!Angela that he’s concerned about what happened to Matt. He asks if she went out to see Matt, but she insists she didn’t. He twitchily says that she seems different since she’s come back, and she replies “Different? You’re right. I am. I’ve realized you’re the only one who ever really loved me. You proved that. You brought me back. I’m with you now. Isn’t that what you always wanted?” Double gross.

Motel of the Week. Sam flips through the Filofax of Shadows looking for tips on zombie killing. Apparently there’s too much lore on it and he has no idea what will work. Several of them mention silver, so he suggests starting there. Dean says they need to work out who brought Angela back in order to find her. He suspects Neil based on all the “he’s such a good friend” comments on the Not A Horcrux Diary. Also, Neil is Dr. Mason’s teaching assistant and so has access to all his books. Sam looks thoughtful.

Cut to Neil’s. The boys break in and stalk through the darkened house.

Sam notes that all the plants are dead, and Dean finds the entrance to the basement. They head down there, but it’s empty. Dean finds a loose grate in the wall and suggests that Angela’s gone to get revenge on the girl Matt was sleeping with. He suspects it’s her roommate, Lindsey. Lindsey, meanwhile, is sitting in the dark because she wants to die. She hears a noise and heads towards it, because she wants to die. She opens the front door because SHE REALLY WANTS TO DIE, YOU GUYS. Anyway, there’s nothing there. She turns around and Zombie!Angela grabs her by the hair. She screams as we fade to black.

After the Not Commercial Break, Zombie!Angela screams that she knows what Lindsey did. Lindsey grabs the biggest pair of scissors on the fucking planet and stabs at Zombie!Angela. She falls to the ground, the scissors in her chest. Lindsey hyperventilates that she’s killed her already dead roommate, but Zombie!Angela sits up and grabs her, threatening her with the scissors. There’s a gunshot and the camera pans around to show Sam and Dean. Dean fires at Zombie!Angela again, and she screams before escaping out the window. The boys decide they need to talk to Neil.

In the Bromobile, Sam says that as silver didn’t work, their next option is nailing her back into her coffin. Gross. Also, now they have to get her back to the cemetery. At Neil’s office, they judge him for raising the dead just to get laid, then tell him that Angela killed Matt, so Matt’s blood is on his hands. He confesses that Zombie!Angela is at his house. Dean looks pointedly at the dead plants and is all “Bitch, please.” Neil looks shifty. Dean raises his voice as he says that they’re going to perform another ritual over her grave to stop her. He switches to a whisper and tells Neil to GTFO before Zombie!Angela turns on him.

The boys leave, and Neil heads over to the closet where Zombie!Angela is hiding. She shows him her wounds and begs him to come to the cemetery with her to stop the boys from killing her. He tells her to wait there while he gets the car. He heads nervously out to the parking lot and fumbles his keys. When he picks them up, Zombie!Angela appears behind him. She asks if he was going to leave her and, when he dithers, snaps his neck.

At the cemetery, the boys light candles by Angela’s grave for their fake ritual. They hear a noise and Sam heads towards it, gun drawn. He hears something behind him and turns at the last minute to find Zombie!Angela behind him. She says she’s still her and that she didn’t ask for this. He shoots her in the forehead and her head snaps back. He sprints towards the grave and she gives chase, knocking him to the ground. She goes to snap his neck, but Dean shoots at her. She stands, startled, and Dean shoots her again. She staggers back and falls into her grave. Dean leaps in after her and stakes her through the heart with a metal swordy thing, pinning her to the coffin. She goes limp, and we fade to black.

After the Not Commercial Break, it’s the next morning and the boys are finishing filling in Angela’s grave. As they head to the car, Sam wants to know why they had to use him as bait because he thinks she broke his hand. Fun fact: JPad broke his wrist filming the previous episode and they had to insert a reason for him to have a cast for the next however many weeks. Dean turns to look at Mary’s grave, and Sam asks if he wants to stay for a while. Dean says he doesn’t and they leave town.

On a highway, Dean suddenly pulls over and gets out to sit on the car bonnet. Sam follows in confusion. Dean apologises for his behaviour, and says it’s his fault that Papa Winchester is dead. He’s joined the dots on his miraculous recovery and knows that Papa Winchester must have made a deal. Sam says they don’t know for sure, and Dean starts to cry. “I never should’ve come back, Sam. It wasn’t natural. And now look what’s come of it. I was dead. And I should have stayed dead. You wanted to know how I was feeling. Well, that’s it. So tell me. What could you possibly say to make that all right?” he says.

Sam looks away tearfully and the camera pans out as we fade to black.

I…don’t like this episode. The maybe-if-I-reanimate-her-she’ll-sleep-with-me thing is seriously disgusting, and zombies are my squick so this was not particularly enjoyable viewing for me. And Dean spent so much time yelling that by the end of the episode, I only had limited feels for him and his sense of responsibility for Papa Winchester’s death, which is probably not what they were going for, though serious kudos to Jensen and Jared for how much emotion they portrayed in that scene.


Next time on Supernatural: Someone with psychic powers is telling people to kill themselves in S02 E05 – Simon Said.

K (all posts)

I'm a 30-something librarian and I still live with my parents because I'm super broke. Leader of Team Heartless Cow. I have an inexplicable love for 90s television, eat too much chocolate, and read more than is good for me.

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