Designated Survivor S01 E04 – Cool way to government.

Previously: Suspicious survivor is suspicious.

The Enemy

Marines: Telegraphed Middle Eastern Location. Things are dusty. A man runs up a narrow staircase into a dusty room where he grabs a laptop and a phone and uses them to securely connect. He nervously types as quickly as he can, as more men are now running up the narrow staircase. We see that part of Nervous Man’s message is that Nassar’s, the guy who sent America the IT WAS ME message last episode, location has been confirmed.

Men bust into the room. Nervous Man tries to grab a gun, but he’s too slow and gets tased for his troubles. He’s dragged out by the men who captured him. The last man in the room looks at the laptop and the “message successfully sent” notification. He slaps the computer closed and stomps out.

Merica. Tom steps off the elevator and Aaron is there to give him updates: schools are back in session, law enforcement is still on high alert and stocks are real low. Tom asks if there is any good news and all Aaron can offer is that Tom did manage to get 3 hours of sleep last night. The Sleepy Snark Ladies would not agree with Aaron’s definition of good. (S: Cat Grant over on Supergirl only sleeps 2 hours a night so…)

Tom’s first meeting of the day is Kimble, which is even more bad news. Tom walks in and flatly tells her it’s a pleasant surprise to see her. She says she’s here for nice little exposition drop: it’s been a week since Nassar confessed. She asks where they are with the search. Tom gives her a generic “we’re working around the clock to find him,” letting her know she doesn’t have clearance for more information when she presses. She mentions that she’s 50% of Congress so I guess we still don’t have anyone else working, eh? Dani, is that you I hear screaming?

Dani: It would be, if I had any voice left after yelling at the last episode…


Samantha: Yeah we’ve lost that “omfg this crazy thing JUST happened” momentum and credibility.

Mari: Kimble tells Tom that every moment that he does nothing is another moment for the American people to doubt him. He gets in her grill and asks if this is where she offers her unwavering support. Touche. She snarks back that Tom’s boyish sincerity is his best quality and he shouldn’t lose it.

This is all interrupted by Emily and Aaron. Kimble sees herself out.

Emily and Aaron come with more bad news: Governor Royce of Michigan is using Tom’s admission that he was asked to resign as grounds to totally ignore him (and the Bill of Rights!) and start targeting Muslims again. The Islamic America Coalition is planning a peaceful protest, but they are also scared for their lives. Aaron starts to suggest that Tom speak sternly to Royce, but Emily interrupts and says that didn’t work the first time. Tom suggests sending a legal observer to monitor the demonstration and make sure Royce doesn’t overstep his bounds. Emily likes this suggestion and volunteers as tribute. Tom tells her to get on a plane ASAP.

Next up on the Bad News Parade is everyone’s least favorite general, General Grumble Grumble Grumble. Tom warns him about his bad morning and tells him to choose his words wisely. But WAIT. General Grumble Grumble Grumble has good news: they found Nassar.


FBI. Maggie Q is watching news coverage of MacLeish, the suspicious survivor, returning home. Her boss, Atwood pulls her into his office. He’s less than impressed with Maggie’s investigative work and the picture of MacLeish’s empty seat. He says he sent Maggie to get a statement, not to turn MacLeish into a suspect. I don’t think Atwood is very good at his job, at this point. I get that maybe Maggie is a pain in the ass who does nothing 95% of the time and finds whacky leads 5% of the time, but at least this whacky lead is in pictures? Why would he just write this off?

Dani: Agreed. Pretty sure EVERYONE should be a suspect at this point. I’m guessing Atwood fast-tracked to the FBI straight from the LOLPD.

Mari: Oh, gosh. 100%.

Atwood makes me hate him more when he tells Maggie that ruining MacLeish’s reputation won’t bring her boyfriend back. Wow, bro. Low. (S: I just keep getting vaguely sexist vibes off this guy.)

Emily calls someone in charge with the IAC. He’s super happy Emily will be there during the protests. Emily crosses paths with Seth on her way out and he tells her to kick Royce’s ass on his behalf.

War Room. Someone fills Tom in on Sammy Serafian, an undercover operative who infiltrated al-Sakar and who we saw at the beginning of this episode confirming Nassar’s location. General Grumble Grumble Grumble says that they’ve got evidence and a position now, so it’s time to DESTROY. Tom asks about Serafian and, oh yeah, he’s missing and there is a high probability that he’s inside the compound they are going to destroy. General GGG thinks it’s no big deal to kill one more American in order to get retribution on the people that (maybe) killed a thousand Americans. Tom thinks about it while General GGG presses him for his answer, all the way into a commercial break.

After, Tom says they aren’t going to bomb one of their own. He tells them to keep an eye on Nassar and wait until they hear from Serafian. Everyone agrees to his orders, even General GGG. Outside of the War Room, Tom tells Aaron to get the president of Algeria on the phone so that maybe they can try a diplomatic approach. Aaron isn’t sure about this idea, but agrees. Tom keeps walking and Aaron gets a call from Emily, who is returning his 3 missed calls while she was on the plane. He basically tells her to be careful, in a roundabout way, because this stupid ship is going to be a thing even though I’m sure the writers can hear us yelling NO. DAMMIT, NO! from wherever they are.

Samantha: And, like, why did he call her 3 times just to say “be careful.” It’s not like he didn’t know if she was safe or something. Excessive, dude.

Dani: This ship needs to hit an iceberg and sink RIGHT NOW. The actors have zero chemistry and everything about it feels forced. Also, Emily was a private plane — she could have used her damned cell phone. It’s one of the perks. Surely a jet chartered by the White House would have WiFi calling or something.


Mari: Emily deplanes only to find that her plane is surrounded by soldiers and cars. It’s Royce, and he’s here to tell Emily to go back where she came from. She tries to very calmly insist that she’s here to help but Royce flatly tells her that Michigan is off limits to Tom, his staff, and his presidency. Welp. (S: This is SO aggravating. Like. WTF.)

Maggie Q visits MacLeish at his home. She says that she wants to keep him updated on the case, but is really there to question why he was out of his seat. She shows him the pictures and the MacLeishes immediately have an explanation: Mrs. MacLeish was out of town shopping, and she lost her youngest daughter at the mall. She was frantically texting her husband. She eventually found her daughter and everything was okay, but she says MacLeish was probably up out of his seat, getting back in touch with her. Maggie is like MMHMM. Hokay.

Alex is at her desk when the Secret Service guy literally in charge of everything tells her she’s got a call from a woman named Maria, claiming to be her client. (D: This dude really needs a raise.) Alex recognizes the name and tells the Secret Receptionist to patch it through. Maria tells Alex that ICE (Immigrations and Customs Enforcement) arrested her and she’s being deported. Alex tells her that someone has taken over the case, as she’s now busy being First Lady and all, but Maria says the new people can’t help her. She begs for help because they’ve taken her children away and she can’t go back to Honduras. Alex understands and tries to calm her down by saying she’s on the case.

Elsewhere, a press conference is going badly because the guy answering questions is sweaty and nervous. Seth and Aaron are watching and Aaron asks who the heck the sweaty guy even is. He was third deputy assistant to the Press Secretary, before the bombings. I think this is a person who is appointed by the President so… why wouldn’t he just… maybe I’m missing something in my understanding of government, but this is a problem that could be easily corrected, right? Well, Aaron tells Seth to fix it on the basis of “you are in communications and standing right next to me.” Seems like a cool way to government. (S: Definitely. It’s been over a week now, but it’s really cool that we don’t have the government together even at all.)

Royce is holding a press conference as a big neener neener. Tom calls Emily, who fills him on the fact that Royce isn’t letting her leave the airport. Emily thinks she should come back, but Tom disagrees. He gets an idea and tells Emily he’ll call her right back.

Alex is on her way out. Mike gives her a panic button, just in case anything happens. She laughs him off because she’s just going to her firm and it’s not like a major terrorist attack happened a week ago lol. (S: Man, I’ll take a panic button. Just for everyday life.) Before this gets any further, Mike is informed that Tom needs Alex ASAP.

In the Oval Office, Tom asks Alex about federalizing the National Guard. She says that yes, he can do it when there is a threat of rebellion and Alex thinks this qualifies. Aaron says he thought Alex was an immigration attorney and Tom, bless him, says she aced Constitutional Law. (D: Aww, it’s as if the writers anticipated my impending snark!) Confidence in his wife is really cute but also maybe he should consult an expert. Whatever, they tell him what he has to do to get this ball rolling, including calling a man named General Hammond.

Aaron hops up to get him on the line, and Alex tells Tom that this sets a huge precedent. Tom knows, but if he doesn’t force Royce to cede power, how will he stop the other 49 governors from setting up police states? This is a tipping point. Alex tells him it’s time. (Kind of a weird line…) Aaron has General Hammond on the line and Tom picks up the phone and orders him to federalize the National Guard.

After a break, Tom fills Emily in on his move to federalize the National Guard. He’s so confident about how easy this will be that obviously it will not be easy.



Mari: Aaron enters and says everyone is waiting for him in the Cabinet Room. They haven’t found Sarafian, but the President of Algeria is on the line. We cut to that conversation and the Algerian President basically says that nope, no Nassar in Algeria. Definitely not. Tom thanks him and hangs up, but he agrees with General GGG that obviously that was a lie. And now they’ve tipped off Algeria. Tom still doesn’t want to bomb with Sarafian unaccounted for, but if he doesn’t check in in 12 hours, they’ll have no choice.

Seth gives Nervous Press Secretary some points. Literally like 5 seconds of pointers and then leaves.

Dani: Gosh, it’s almost like this no-name character isn’t meant to be our forever Press Secretary. Weird!


allison janney the west wing cj cregg ireallyshouldknowbetter im more than a little bit worried

Mari: Alternate title for this show.

Kimble visits Aaron and wants to speak to him frankly. She says that Tom is failing and the only reason he’s even doing anything about al-Sakar is because Aaron leaked that video. Kimble says there are people in D.C. who appreciate Aaron, and he has hitched his wagon to a footnote. Aaron considers that the end of the conversation and once again, Kimble sees herself out.

Samantha: I’m so, so disappointed in this direction for Kimble.

Mari: We kind knew, though, didn’t we?

Alex visits her old firm, and her old coworker says that ICE is taking advantage that the courts are closed and rush deporting people. This makes Alex sad, especially because she thinks she could’ve stopped this from happening to Maria. Old Coworker says that things change and she’s the First Lady now, nudge nudge nudge. Alex gets it.

Aaron and Emily text. I throw up in my mouth a little. The National Guard arrives and Tom watches it live on TV. Emily calls him and asks if he wants to talk to General Muñoz. Emily introduces herself to Muñoz and then hands over the phone, totally not picking up on the evil smirk on Muñoz’s face. Tom starts to thank General Muñoz, but he cuts him off and says that he’s refusing the order to federalize. The National Guard is standing behind Governor Royce.

Dani: I found all this very hard to believe. Is every episode just going to revolve around people refusing the president’s calls and orders?

Mari: I can only hope not.

White House. Tom fills Alex in on his problems: Michigan is on the brink of anarchy and General GGG is pushing him to launch an attack that could kill an American. Tom never thought he’d be in a position to determine who lives, who dies and if you didn’t finish that with who tells your story, we need to have a serious talk about what you’ve been doing with your life. (D: A+) (S: 1430.)

Alex gives him a pep talk and tells him to do his best, and that’s probably what all the other presidents did. Tom asks what she needed with the Maria Sarrano case, and Alex thinks maybe this isn’t the best time to ask him for a special favor. Tom asks if she has any other options. She suggests going to Kimble. He tells her to watch her back.

Next, Tom checks in with Emily and tells her to come back to D.C. Now Emily doesn’t want to come, saying that they have to keep standing up to Royce. She has an idea for getting Royce to D.C., but Tom just has to trust her. Tom tells her to be careful.

Press Conference. Nervous Press Secretary seems to be doing a better job but then sticks his foot in his mouth. The press all jump down his throat and Nervous Press Secretary runs out. Seth watches this all happen and in a flash, stands up at the podium and introduces himself. He says that the top story is the Islamaphobia rampant in Michigan and he’d be happy to answer all relevant questions one at a time. Aaron looks on with very mild emotions on his face…? (D: The stage direction was probably like … [watches Seth, thinks about vegetables] or something.) (S: [watches Seth, thinks of beige paint drying].)

Emily checks in with the IAC Organizer and tells him to bring the protest right to Royce at the airport.

We cut to the arrival of the protesters as they come right up against the Guard. Royce starts to leave, but Emily heads him off and tells him that he doesn’t want to have his soldiers cart away peaceful protesters on national TV. She asks him to come to D.C. and have a sit down with the President.

Tom and Aaron have a second mutiny on their hands. No one is surprised to find that General GGG has done some shit behind Tom’s back. Tom finds him in the war room and stern-yells about how as long as he’s President, he will not jeopardize an American life if it can be helped. General GGG stern-yells back that the terrorists need to be eradicated from the face of the Earth and if there is a snake in your kitchen, you don’t invite it to eat. You chop of its head. Tom is like, “yeah, but this is my kitchen AND YOU DA SNAKE.” Something like that. He fires General GGG and I know that it is probably too much to ask and hope for that this be the last time we see his stupid face. (D: We’re never that lucky.) (S: It was totally temporarily satisfying though.)

On the most awkward plane ride ever, Royce tells Emily that he’s not a bad man. (S: lololol you suck dude.) He just knows that the Christian and the Jews didn’t fly planes into the Twin Towers: Muslims did. All of them, apparently. Emily corrects him and says that extremists did and persecuting innocent people doesn’t solve anything. Royce scoffs and says she’s just like her boss, thinking she knows things… and stuff. Emily says that she’s found Tom Kirkman to be thoughtful and reasonable and Royce probably will too.

Seth’s office. Aaron comes in and kind of compliments him, but also offers him the job of Press Secretary on the basis that he’s capable and Muslim. Seth can’t believe it. Aaron tells him not to worry about the why he’s getting the job and just to take it. Seth tells Aaron to get out of his office.

Alex visits Kimble and basically asks Kimble to call Maria as a witness in a fake hearing which will give her immunity until said hearing actually happens. Kimble says that if she does this, Alex will owe her one. Wow. That seems like a horrible decision, Alex. (S: Notice the very obvious villain shift in Kimble, Alex.)

Maggie Q is beating up a punching bag. I just realized that there was an earlier scene with her checking out MacLeish’s phone records that I totally did not include in the recap at all and going back and trying to figure out where it goes seems like a lot of work for a scene I literally forgot the moment after I watched it.

Anyway. Atwood comes to chat with Maggie Q because she’s asked for a reassignment. Turns out that MacLeish’s story totally checks out. She was hoping that he would be guilty of something because it would explain why he survived when no one else did. She’s having lots of pain and emotions. Atwood tells her to sleep on her decision because she’s going to hate herself for quitting when things got hard.

Royce and Emily land. Emily makes the introductions and it seems like Royce really took Emily’s chats to heart and is ready for an open and honest conversation. Tom’s like, “cool, but human rights bro.” He places Royce under arrest for treason. Emily looks shocked! Shocked! She tells Tom that she called him reasonable and thoughtful and Royce was totally gonna talk, thanks to her. Tom stands by his decision, saying that he needed to do what was right even if it doesn’t feel good. Emily is not happy.

Dani: Emily needs to grow the hell up. Seeing Tom fire General GGG and arrest Royce in this episode was AMAZING. It was the first time he seemed presidential.

Samantha: Thank god we are all on the same page. I was 1000% done with Emily here. This is why you weren’t picked as chief, Em. Tom did what absolutely needed to be done.

Mari: Aaron, ever the deliverer of the next plot twist, says that he’s got an update on Serafian: a body was just delivered on the Embassy steps and they are waiting for an ID.

Back at the White House, Tom visits Seth in his office and says the job offer came from him. Aaron may have had politically motivated reasons, but Tom’s were simple: he just wanted someone he could trust up at that podium. Seth accepts the offer and Tom’s like, “cool because tomorrow’s gonna be a shit day at work.” Wow. That’s one way to follow up a job offer.

Emily visits Aaron and boo-hoos about how Tom is becoming a different person. Aaron tells her to suck it up because she isn’t always going to agree with Tom, but this is her job and she’s good at it.

Dani: Oh, goody: another naive, whiny female character whose sole purpose is to be educated on how the big, bad world really works by the far more seasoned, knowledgable man. Can’t we just replace Emily with a sexy lamp and get it over with?

SamanthaImage result for sexy lamp

Mari: Sexy Emilamp smiles and they flirt over whether or not he was worried about her. Still hate it.

Seth’s before the press again, this time introducing himself as the new Press Secretary. He goes for sincerity and honesty as he says that he didn’t want the job, but these are times in which people are called upon to serve. His speech about following your instincts continues as a voice over as we see Alex watch Maria being reunited with her kids and Tom leave the office for the night. He stops when he sees a picture of a soldier on the wall and seems to have a sudden thought.

Maggie Q is in bed, looking at pictures of her boyfriend. Her phone rings– an unknown number. A woman tells Maggie to find Room 105 to understand more about Peter MacLeish.

Tom goes to the War Room and asks if Serafian’s body was IDed. It was. Tom says that tragedy lands at his door and he is sorry. He tells an Admiral Chernow that he’s now in command. They are to proceed with the attack on Algeria as planned and prepare for war.

Dani: I got $20 that says this will go poorly for Tom. Anyone?

Mari: Dani. Stop trying to bet us. It’s not going to happen.

Samantha: Sheesh Tom, being assertive doesn’t also have to equal war. Ugh.


Next time on Designated Survivor: War? in S01 E05 – The Mission.

Marines (all posts)

I'm a 30-something south Floridan who loves the beach but cannot swim. Such is my life, full of small contradictions and little trivialities. My main life goals are never to take life too seriously, but to do everything I attempt seriously well. After that, my life goals devolve into things like not wearing pants and eating all of the Zebra Cakes in the world. THE WORLD.

Dani (all posts)

I’m a serial procrastinator and a genuinely terrible singer, and if anyone knows how to monetize either of these skills please hit me up. In my spare time, I like to study Dutch painters, Italian architecture, and Canadian bacon.

Samantha (all posts)

I'm a 28 year old graduated English major and almost librarian. I can often be found singing too loudly (poorly) in the car or spending some time (hours) on Tumblr. I am a lover of Harry Potter, the Spice Girls, and too many other things.

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