After Chapter 69 – Not too.

Previously: Tessa isn’t ready for sex, according to Hardin.

Marines: Tessa wakes up to Hardin snoring in her ear. She is happy for 0.1 second before she starts panicking, wondering if maybe Hardin will have changed his mind now that it’s morning. (S: Healthy.) She starts tracing his features with her fingers, which of course wakes him up. That’s rude. Tessa panics some more, but then Hardin tells her to keep doing it. As she’s touching his face, Hardin asks what Tessa has planned for the day. It just so happens that Tessa weirdly made plans with Hardin’s stepmother because what are boundaries? WHO KNOWS!

Hardin says he’s going to go home, to his frat home, so his dad doesn’t start getting the idea that he actually likes it here. Tessa suggests he stick around and wait until she’s done working on the greenhouse. Hardin can hang out with his dad while he waits. Hardin is like EW, NO, but then Tessa wins him over by reminding him that if he doesn’t stick around, they might be apart for whole entire hours. Imagine. (S: Yay manipulation!)

Tessa hopes that Hardin will realize that his dad has ~*changed*~. And then she realizes that she doesn’t have any clothes or a toothbrush with her. She tells Hardin that she needs to go back to her room, and he gets all tense about it. Tessa asks what’s wrong, but he avoids the question and asks how long she’ll be gone. Tessa replies that she assumed they would go together to get her stuff and Hardin relaxes. “What is with him?” Tessa wonders, even though she just correctly assumed he wouldn’t want to spend time apart and used that to manipulate him into spending time with the father who kind of abandoned him. Whatever could it be, Tessa? (S: I repeat, healthy!)

Hardin explains that he thought Tessa was trying to leave him and he says it in a small voice for maximum sympathy extortion. Tessa gets the urge to “walk over and cradle him.

V sexy.

Instead, Tessa gestures for Hardin to come to her. He nods and stands in front of her. Tessa tells him that she’s not going anywhere. She just needs clothes. Hardin says he knows, but it’s going to take some getting used to. He’s used to her running away from him. Like when you assault chairs in yogurt places, Hardin? Or make fun of her for wanting to be in a relationship with you? Or belittle her in front of your friends? Whatever could’ve made her run?


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Mari: To her credit, Tessa points out that she’s used to him pushing her away, so they both have some adjusting to do. To not her credit, Tessa feels oddly comforted by his behavior this morning, because she was so worried he’d change his mind about being in this creepy relationship. Hardin tells Tessa that he loves her, and it hits her in the feels. She tells him that she loves him, too, but he doesn’t like that. “It just makes me feel like you are agreeing with me.”


Samantha: Lol, fucking what? I’m cackling. Why is he taking issue with this?

Mari: Tessa remembers her promise to herself to do whatever she can to help him ~*change*~ and overcome his issues so she adjusts and tells him that she loves him. Not too.

We quickly change gears to Tessa admiring Hardin’s perfectly perfect perfection even though all he wears is black jeans and plain white and black t-shirts. “He doesn’t need to follow whatever trend is hot; his simple style suits him so well.” Yeah, Anna Todd does seem like the kind to crap on trendiness. As if black skinny jeans and a white v-neck are the epitome of timeless fashion.


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Mari: Tessa gets dressed and they go downstairs where Karen has still not left the kitchen (probably) and has made breakfast. Tessa blushes because even those she’s an adult (she tells herself), and his parents seem to be fine with it, she’s embarrassed that they know she spent the night. Karen gives her a funny look, so Tessa knows she’s going to face some questions later. Hardin and Tessa grab breakfast, and she asks if Landon and Dakota are around. Karen explains that they went to Seattle to sightsee. Karen asks if they are still going to greenhouse it up today. Tessa says yes, but she just has to go home and change. Karen excitedly says that she’ll have Ken bring out the bags of soil. Tessa volunteers Hardin to help with the soil once they are back, which makes Karen even more excited because it means Hardin will be spending the day. I just don’t trust anyone who would be excited about having Hardin around for a whole day.

Samantha: Continued proof that she’s a Stepford robot.

Mari: Karen calls out to Ken to share the news, which makes Hardin roll his eyes. I know, right? Honestly, who would want to spend time with you, Hardin? Tessa whispers, “be nice,” in his ear, so he plasters on a fake smile. This makes Tessa laugh and laugh and that is how we end the chapter.

Well, really with Tessa playfully kicking his foot under the table.

I’d like to kick something right now, too.


Next time on After: Okay for real the greenhouse in Chapter 70.


Marines (all posts)

I'm a 30-something south Floridan who loves the beach but cannot swim. Such is my life, full of small contradictions and little trivialities. My main life goals are never to take life too seriously, but to do everything I attempt seriously well. After that, my life goals devolve into things like not wearing pants and eating all of the Zebra Cakes in the world. THE WORLD.

Samantha (all posts)

I'm a 28 year old graduated English major and almost librarian. I can often be found singing too loudly (poorly) in the car or spending some time (hours) on Tumblr. I am a lover of Harry Potter, the Spice Girls, and too many other things.

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