After Chapter 76 – Probably a man eating plant.

Previously: A corner office with a view!

Samantha: Tessa leaves her so-unbelievable-its-not-believable-first day and tries calling Hardin but he doesn’t answer. Then she goes to the mall to buy some new outfits and undergarments. The sales lady tries helping Tessa pick out some underwear, but Tessa is humiliated and describes the lady’s mouth as “a wide and scary chasm.” Why? What? Is the sales lady standing there with her mouth hanging open? Is she planning on eating Tessa? Is she secretly the man eating plant from Little Shop of Horrors?

Marines: Is she just a regular woman who is suggesting something even remotely sexy or sexual so the author immediately punishes her because GOD FORBID?

Probably the man eating plant, to be honest.

Samantha: Tessa goes home and takes a nap. When Tessa wakes up Hardin is in her room and staring at her. Like a creep. He got his key back from Steph. (M: Steph, please stop. Be a better friend.) Tessa gushes about her day and that Vance told her that Hardin used to work there. She’s also like “how did I not know you have a job right now? How do you manage to work around throwing tables and breaking computers?” He brags that he makes more now than he ever did for Vance, but he’s still editing and reading manuscripts. He works whenever he’s not with her. Which is a very flexible work schedule. He gets all grouchy with her for asking too many questions and not needing to know everything about his life. Uh, she asked like 5 questions and knowing about your boyfriend’s job is totally valid you sack of shit.

Mari: Especially if your boyfriend could be a murderer when you are not around? Probably asks what he does. 

Samantha: She stares at the ceiling and literally counts ceiling panels until she decides to go shower.  Before leaving the room she tells him that he’s being an asshole. She takes her time showering, and when she gets back, Hardin is gone.

Dun dun du– oh wait, I don’t really care.

Next time on After: Do you care where Hardin went? Chapter 77.


Samantha (all posts)

I'm a 28 year old graduated English major and almost librarian. I can often be found singing too loudly (poorly) in the car or spending some time (hours) on Tumblr. I am a lover of Harry Potter, the Spice Girls, and too many other things.

Marines (all posts)

I'm a 30-something south Floridan who loves the beach but cannot swim. Such is my life, full of small contradictions and little trivialities. My main life goals are never to take life too seriously, but to do everything I attempt seriously well. After that, my life goals devolve into things like not wearing pants and eating all of the Zebra Cakes in the world. THE WORLD.

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