Snark Squad Pod #035 – Sharp Objects

Previously: The Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling won our hearts. 

Marines: Our recording schedule leading up to and in September has been kind of wild, as Nicole and I were both had back to back weekends of travel– first for separate Labor Day weekend weddings and second for BookNet Fest. That also explains some of the quiet on the website, though it’s always safe to assume the quiet on the website is influenced by travel. Most of that is to say that we recorded this episode the day after the finale! It was a rare piece of media we had the opportunity to watch real time, though I still binged it instead…

We are joined this week by the biggest Gillian Flynn fan I know to join us, Katie. She has a channel on YouTube where she mostly discusses thrillers, but generally has some very thoughtful content and great bookish discussions. Plus, the instagram she plugs in the episode is TheKatieDoll_.

Katie was also at BookNet Fest this past weekend (and we both kept referring to this podcast episode lol). Although we recorded separately, we had the chance to snag this photo of us all together:

Finally, we mention in the episode some writing that we all only half-noticed. We were very tired while recording, so here is me now telling you all that post-production research shows, IT’S A THING: All of the Hidden Words You Missed in Sharp Objects.

If you want to hear more about our weekend at BookNet Fest and what’s coming up next for us, be sure you are signed up for our newsletter

And finally, the episode: 

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As always, thank you to Stefan Chin for our delightful theme music.

For those of you watching and reading along, here is our planned upcoming media in the order they’ll be released: Sharp Objects, Pride and Prejudice*, The Meg, Maniac, and A Feast for Crows.

*this is a liveshow we are recording at BookNet Fest so we hope this will be episode 36 of the actual podcast, that all depends on how recording goes at the event

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