Snark Squad Pod #097 – Dollface (2019 –)

Previously: We had fun watching Charlie’s Angels & shouting at the world to LET US HAVE THIS.

Sweeney: I saw a trailer for this a while back and felt like the ads were following me around the internet even though nobody I knew was talking about it at all. But a show about female friendships with weird magical realism elements is very much Our Shit, so this was bound to wind up on our radar.

To help us break this show down, we called on a ringer, our dear friend Deboki from okidokiboki to help us talk through all the ways this idea appealed to us and all the ways the execution missed the mark.


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As always, this podcast is produced by Nicole Sweeney and Marines Alvarez, edited by Nicole Sweeney and the delightful theme music is by Stefan Chin.

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