Snark Squad Pod #119 – Black Widow (2021)

Previously: We had a very meandering chat about our 2021 media and also the world I guess.

Sweeney: I keep failing to put these posts up in a timely manner even though I say at the end “there will be a post dedicated to this episode” and I have to edit myself promising this to be the case. We put up a new episode today so here I am, extremely belatedly posting this podcast episode, which was itself extremely belatedly uploaded. Time is an illusion!! We recorded this sometime last summer, for context, before anything post-Black Widow was actually released.

You can also revisit all the rest of our MCU stuff if you’re so inclined! Thank you as always to Nick & Rich for joining our very own Snark Squad Pod Avengers crew!


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As always, this podcast is produced by Nicole Sweeney and Marines Alvarez, edited by Nicole Sweeney, transcribed Marines Alvarez, and the delightful theme music is by Stefan Chin.


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