Snark Squad Pod #062 – Marvel Cinematic Universe, phase 3 (part 2)

Previously: We had mixed feelings about The Umbrella Academy



It’s been a long journey but I’m not gonna wax philosophical about it for too long because we built the schedule this way so that we could do the big wrap-up stuff in our Avengers: Endgame episode next month. For now, though, we’re just gonna do a little victory lap for making our way through all this content.

Joining us in that victory lap as we discuss Black Panther, Avengers: Infinity War, Ant Man & The Wasp, and Captain Marvel are our stalwart podcast avengers, Nick Jenkins and Rich Camillucci.

Nick is senior producer for Crash Course and the host of Reel Bad, a podcast about bad movies and why they want to hurt us. Rich is the president of Arcade Audio and hosts two podcasts of his own – Podswoggle & The Blank Slate. You can keep up with his many projects over on Twitter.

(If you want to follow this journey with us from the beginning, check out our episodes on Phase 1, Phase 2, and the first half of Phase 3!)


This is the video Nick mentioned in which Ryan Coogler breaks down a scene in Black Panther:

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As always, thank you to Stefan Chin for our delightful theme music.

For those of you watching and reading along, here is our planned upcoming media in the order they’ll be released: A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms by George R. R. Martin (ASoIaF novellas), American Gods season 1, and The Golden Compass by Philip Pullman (which you can discuss with us in our Discord!).

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